Repomansez Personal Website

No API, no JS, no PHP, no trackers or adsense, just pure HTML goodness !!

About me

This is me irl.

Also known as sbct, sbctani and repomansez on some social medias around the webz.

Often called a troll, a racist, a nazi and other offensive buzzwords the left call people who think!

Basically just a brazilian male, natural from some city in the state of São Paulo, who likes doing stuff on the internet and using GNU(or not)/Linux on his day to day life.

Fun facts about me

About this website

This and are the two domains I host my shit up on the internet.

Most of the stuff is hosted on an old 3rd gen i5 homeserver running Gentoo Linux. More on the server here

The entirety of this website is written by hand in vim using plain HTML and CSS only. The thing I dislike the most about the way this website is set up is the fact that I am using Cloudflared (former Argo Tunnels) to make this available on the internet, as I have no means of doing so otherwise without having to spend money, which I do not have.

This webpage is a Work in Progress and has been created on the 11th of june, 2024

Things I like

This section (and basically this entire website) is inspired by drummyfish's personal website. If you know him, please tell him I love him too! hehe

Well, here's a small and always-evolving list of things I like, in no particular order:

Things I dislike

And here's a small and always-evolving list of things I dislike, in no particular order:

People I like

I decided to make a separate listing for people whom I like/dislike, again in no particular order. I will keep this public figures-only as it does not make sense to list my personal friends and acquaintances in here. Please do keep in mind that liking someone does not equate to agreeing with everything they think, do or say.

People I dislike

Here's a list of people I dislike

Contacts and social media